Support us

Explore the links below to discover the various ways you can support us.

As a charity we receive no guaranteed funding or assistance so are completely reliant on the kindness and generosity of people like you. Whether it’s volunteering in the Archive, donating money or new material, we are grateful for any help that allows us to continue collecting and preserving print advertising for generations to come.

Team work makes the dream work.

Volunteer with us

As a charity we are entirely run by our team of volunteers and there are a huge number of activities involved in running the Archive. Come and lend us your spare time, skills and talents!

Make a donation

Donating or becoming a patron is a great way to help us cover our running costs and provide our service to schools, colleges and universities in the local area.

Donate physical items

Many of our collections would not be possible without donations of old journals, magazines and scrapbooks. We are happy to arrange collection throughout mainland UK.

Buy an advert

Did you know we sell duplicates? We’ve got a vast amount of duplicate adverts that we’re sharing for sale on our eBay page. All funds from the sale of these wonderful original pieces go back into the archive to support our long-term preservation goals

Our corporate sponsors

We appreciate the generosity and support of our corporate sponsors in our mission to preserve the history of advertising. If your company or organisation would like to become a Corporate Friend, to fund us on either a regular or one-off basis, please contact us.